Daily Defining Moments: Devotionals with Dr. Allen Holmes
Daily Defining Moments podcast helps us to take a moment in our day to be centered on the Word of God and let Him define who we are and the way we should live. In these daily devotionals, Pastor Allen Holmes walks us through a portion of scripture from the One Year Bible for that day and shares a word of encouragement to help us begin our day with Jesus and build our faith.
Podcasting since 2022 • 365 episodes
Daily Defining Moments: Devotionals with Dr. Allen Holmes
Latest Episodes
December 31
Today's reading is from the New Testament portion of the One Year Bible reading: Revelation 22:1-21. Pastor Allen will pick up today's reading and focus the devotional thought on Revelation 22:1-21. As we read through these verses together, we ...
Season 1
Episode 365

December 30
Today's reading is from the New Testament portion of the One Year Bible reading: Revelation 21:1-27. Pastor Allen will pick up today's reading and focus the devotional thought on Revelation 21:1-27. As we read through these verses together, we ...
Season 1
Episode 364

December 29
Today's reading is from the New Testament portion of the One Year Bible reading: Revelation 20:1-15. Pastor Allen will pick up today's reading and focus the devotional thought on Revelation 20:1-15. As we read through these verses together, we ...
Episode 363